Purchase list for a basic or base-binding breakfast

A basic or base-binding breakfast certainly looks a bit different than an average German breakfast including rolls and coffee. But what do we need therefor?

Since some ingredients may not be available in the supermarket around the corner, I'll let you look into my larder. With the right purchase list you can get all the ingredients, so that you are prepared for the next breakfast videos.

Pseudo grains

Pseudo grains make up the largest proportion of basic or base-binding breakfast. Per person about 35-50 g are used for a breakfast buffet. You need less for a so-called base muesli, I use about 1 tablespoon per person.

Why are they called pseudo grains?

Pseudo grains look very similar to the conventional grains and their use is also nearly the same. However, from a botanical point of view, pseudo grains do not belong to the family of sweet grass such as rye, wheat or oats. Their of carbohydrates, protein and minerals is very high in the gluten-free alternative. Furthermore, they are gluten-free.


Buckwheat is also known as pseudo grain. It belongs to the family of knotweed and is therefore no grain. There are around 16 different types of buckwheat. It have been cultivated in Central- and East Asia for more than 4,000 years. In particular, buckwheat is produced in Russia, China, Ukraine, France and Poland. Unlike ordinary grain, buckwheat is gluten-free. Gluten is a protein, which can be found in types of grain such as rye, wheat and barley. Gluten is indigestible and can lead to temporary memory gaps. If you are intolerant to gluten, it could lead to small intestine diseases as well as join pains. On the other hand, whereas buckwheat is a remedy for diabetes. Moreover, it helps to reduce high blood pressure as well as the cholesterol level. Furthermore, it contains all kinds of essential amino acids. Buckwheat contains easily digested proteins, as well as vital and mineral substances. Buckwheat is basic. In order to flocculate buckwheat for dishes like muesli, you just have to put it into a flour mill for a few seconds.


Millet is a collective term for about 12 different types of spelt grains. They are all part of the family of sweet grasses, like spelt or wheat. Millet is divided into two main groups: sorghum millet, which is characterized by its big seeds, and hog millet, with its small seeds. Millet is said to come from the North of China. It is said to have been cultivated for 7,000 years. In many parts of Asia and Africa, where the most millet is harvested worldwide, it is a basic food. In Germany, until the medieval times, millet was food for the poor, because they had a surplus. In the 17th century it was replaced by potatoes, corn and wheat. Over time, millet became less and less popular. Today, millet is a cult. Even countries like Germany or Austria grow it.

Millet is not only for vegans. It contains plenty of important ingredients such as magnesium, iron, B vitamins as well as secondary phytochemicals like beta carotene or flavonoids. Millet is a gluten free grain. Besides the good digestibility millet has more benefits: millet protects the intestinal mucosa, reduces the blood glucose level and prevents cancer. Since millet is basic, it detoxifies the body. Thanks to the large amount of minerals and amino acids, millet helps losing weight. Furthermore, it is effective against vascular diseases, listlessness and colds. Due to the silicon, millet is a remedy for hair loss and cracked nails and ensures a firm and smooth skin.

Basically, millet should be stored cool and protected from light. You should seal the pack after use, because the shelf life of millet is not as long due to its fat content. Millet can be prepared in many ways. You can add it into salads or use it as filling or side dish. Since millet becomes a trend, more and more recipes are created. But notice: do not eat millet raw. There are protein damaging enzymes, which are, however, harmless when they are cooked or roasted.


Amaranth is one of the oldest agricultural crops. Nearly 9,000 years old ancient finds were discovered in Mexican burial chambers. Amaranth was already cultivated by the ancestors of the Incas and Aztecs and was a basic food besides beans and corn. As quinoa, the Spanish shipped amaranth to Europe in the 16th century. It was classified as unchristian aliment as well and replaced by European grains such as wheat and barley as well. Amaranth was forgotten for a long time. Thanks to its numerous nutrients, however, it was rediscovered in the 1970s. Today, countries like Nepal, India and Pakistan are large growing areas. However, it is cultivated in warm climate zones all over the world today.

As quinoa, amaranth belongs to the family of Amaranthaceae. There are 60-90 different types worldwide. The seeds are smaller than mustard seeds. Each plant produces between 30,000 and 60,000 seeds. It is easy to cultivate amaranth at home. Concerning the soil, the plant does not need high standards. However, it needs to be supplied with enough sunlight and warmth. The flowering period is from July to August, harvest time is from September to October. The flower heads just have to be cut and dried. The seeds detach themselves.

Since Amaranth belongs to the pseudo grains, it is gluten-free und thus suitable for people with intolerance. Furthermore, Amaranth has considerably less carbs than normal grains. There are numerous important ingredients in Amaranth. The high proportion of fibres ensures a feeling of satiety. As in quinoa, all essential amino acids are contained. The protein content of 15 to 18 percent is very high as well. With a biological quality of 75, this protein is first-class. In comparison, a chicken egg has a value of 100. In contrast to conventional grains, amaranth has a high proportion of lysine. Lysin is important for the production of L-carnitine, which can be almost only found in meat. Thus, especially non-meat-eaters and vegans benefit from it. L-carnitine is important for energy metabolism and fat burning. Moreover, it is essential for the development of collagen. 50 percent of the body proteins consist of collagen. It is responsible for the stability of the bones and elasticity of the skin. Furthermore, a sufficient proportion of lysine can prevent cancer. Amaranth is full of minerals such as magnesium, potassium or iron. In particular pregnant women, children and sportsmen benefit from it. Thanks to its nutrients, amaranth is a great remedy for fatigue and exhaustion. Magnesium can also reduce blood fats. Thus, cardiovascular diseases can be prevented. The fats in amaranth consist of 70 percent of unsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the cholesterol level. Furthermore, amaranth contains lecithin, which has an affects the brain activity and the digestion of fats.

Amaranth tastes slightly like nut und can be used in many ways. You can eat amaranth in both ways row and cooked. Amaranth can is often flocculated or popped. You can add amaranth to salads, cereals or yoghurts, or use it as filling for tomatoes. The leaves can be used as alternative for spinach. The Incas already used the leaves of amaranth. However, you should only use young leaves as older leaves taste a bit bitter.


Quinoa is originally from South America and was a basic food for the Andes for more then 6,000 years. Therefore, they are also known as seed of the Inca. As spinach and red beets, quinoa belongs to the family of the Amaranthaceae. Quinoa is mainly cultivated in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador. Quinoa is very weather resistant. However, it denies not only against extreme weather but also bad soil conditions. There are numerous types of quinoa in diverse colours. In the 16th century the Spanish conquerors forbade quinoa as they classified it as unchristian aliment. Furthermore, they wanted to weaken the Inca. Instead, European grains were introduced. Quinoa was only cultivated in very isolated high plains. Quinoa became well-known in the 1990s after the NASA stated that it is suitable as astronaut food thanks to its high proportion of protein and amino acids. In particular in Europe and North America, quinoa became more popular in recent years. As a result of the rising prices, the earnings of quinoa growers increased as well. However, the high demand leaded to rising prices in the growing countries as well. As a result, less people are able to afford the traditional seed. Today, the cultivation is often promoted.

Quinoa is a great protein source. Moreover, quinoa contains all essential amino acids and is rich in minerals and vitamins. Furthermore, this pseudo grain is gluten-free and rich in fibres. Since quinoa contains 50 percent more iron as wheat, it is especially nutritious for non-meat-eaters and vegans. The high proportion of magnesium prevents vasoconstrictions, which can counteract migraine as well. The amino acid tryptophan boosts the production of serotonin. The amino acid lysine can prevent cancer due to its repairing function of the connective tissue. Only a small part of the containing carbs is converted to sugar. That means, that quinoa is particularly suitable for people with high blood pressure or overweight. Furthermore, quinoa saturates and ensures a regular digestion. Quinoa consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids such as the anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acid. The antioxidant secondary plant substances protect from free radicals and help to prevent diseases. Moreover, quinoa is basic, what means, that is has a deacidifying effect and regulates the acid-base balance.

You can eat quinoa in both ways, row and cooked. You can buy popped and flocked quinoa as well as quinoa flakes. Quinoa can be cooked, crushed, roasted, soaked or germinated. As a rule, quinoa is sold already peeled as the shell contains the inedible bitter substance saponin. Since quinoa is gluten-free, it is particularly suitable for people with an intolerance. Quinoa can be used in many ways. It can be used as alternative to rice or processed to risotto. It is also used for salads. Often, quinoa can be found in cookies or other desserts. Popped quinoa goes great with muesli or porridge.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds play a special role in a base-forming breakfast. Due to the fibres and healthy fats, they saturate for a long time.

There are only 5 nutrients your body needs: healthy fats, healthy proteins, minerals, vitamins and secondary plant substances. nuts and seeds contain all of this 5 nutrients.


Bei den Nüssen ist es im Grunde genommen egal, welche Nusssorten verwendet werden. Wichtig ist nur eines - Bitte immer wieder andere Nüsse verwenden! Denn alle Nussarten enthalten unterschiedliche gesunde Fette, unterschiedliche Mineralstoffe und Vitamine. Durch eine abwechselnde Verwendung sorge ich dafür, dass ich meinem Körper alle nötigen Vitalstoffe zur Verfügung stelle.


The hazelnut grows on a tree-like bush which is spread from Europe to West Asia. In Germany, it is the oldest known domestic type of fruit. According to investigations, the hazelnut is originally from Turkey. From there it came across Greece and Italy to Europe. In China the hazelnut is well-known for centuries as well. Today, one third of the word production comes from Turkey. Further large producers are countries like Italy, the USA, Azerbaijan, Georgia and China.

During ripening time, the hazelnut is covered by a leaf-like shell. Behind the robust shell is a round to oval kernel which is covered by a brown or red peel. The hazelnut is ready for harvest as soon as the nut detach from the shell. Antoher characteristic is a reddish-brown shell with yellow leaves around it. As a rule, hazelnuts are dried at a humidity of 10-12 percent immediately after harvest. Cool stored, hazelnuts in a shell as well as unroasted kernels have a shelf life of about 2 years. Roasted hazelnuts have a shelf life of about 6 months.

Depending on the shape, hazelnuts are divided in 3 groups:

Round hazelnuts – round hazelnuts are medium size with a relatively round shape. They are easy to crack and usually sold without shell. Round hazelnuts have a high quality.

Sharp hazelnuts – sharp hazelnuts have rather an elongated and sharp shape. They are usually sold with shell as the kernels get often damaged when cracking. Sharp hazelnuts ensure a high yield and have a high quality as well.

Long hazelnuts – In proportion to their width long hazelnuts are very elongated. They are hard to crack so that they are sold with shell. However, long hazelnuts do not have such a good quality.

Hazelnuts with shell are primary imported from the USA and France. A considerably large quantity comes from Turkey, Georgia and Italy to our market.

Hazelnuts are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium or iron. With 63 percent hazelnuts have a considerably high proportion of fat. These fats consist mainly of poly-unsaturated fatty acids which have a positive effect on the blood lipids. For example, daily consumption of hazelnuts can reduce the cholesterol level thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids. 100 grams of hazelnuts have 644 kcal. Hazelnuts consist of 12 percent of protein. Furthermore, they have a relatively high proportion of vitamin E, which protects our cells from free radicals.

Hazelnuts are often contained in nut mixes, nut chocolate, puddings or baked goods such as cookies. They can be processed to nut mush or hazelnut oil as well. Hazelnuts go well with smoothies, fruit salads or cereals.


Peanuts are originally from South America. After the historical discovery of America in the 15th century, the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors brought peanuts to countries like India or the Philippines. Today, they are cultivated around the entire tropical and subtropical equator. With about 38 percent of the world harvest, China is the largest producer by far. Further large producers are countries like India, Nigeria, the USA, Sudan and Myanmar. 80 percent of Germanys imports are peanut kernels. The remaining 20 percent are peanut shells. Main exporter for Germany is Argentina followed by South Africa, China and India. Peanuts with shells are mainly exported to Germany from the USA, China, Argentina and Israel in the last quarter of the year. From the botanical point of view, peanuts belong to the family of the pulses such as peas or beans.

With 25 percent of protein, peanuts have the highest protein content compared to other nuts. Furthermore, they have a high value of unsaturated fatty acids oil and linoleic acid which have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. These consist of 75 percent of the fat proportion of 48 percent. Peanuts contain numerous minerals such as magnesium, which supports the muscles, potassium, which regulates the blood pressure, or zinc which strengthens the immune system. There are numerous trace elements in peanuts as well. Furthermore, peanuts are said to have a positive effect on an increased cholesterol level. Moreover, they contain plenty of folic acid and resveratrol. According to new studies, peanuts can even regulate blood fats.

Since many people are intolerant to peanuts, it is recommended to eat them raw because an allergen is formed by the process of roasting. Popular and edible are product such as edible oil, margarine or high-quality peanut butter. However, you should check if there are no hardened fats. Peanuts are often processed to sweets or munchies like Cheetos or spiced peanuts. Peanut sauce becomes more and more popular. However, you can refine salads or breadcrumb coasting with chopped peanuts as well.

Pecan nuts

Pecan nuts belong to the family of the walnut tree plant. 96 percent of the production comes from the south of the USA and Mexico. Small growing are can be found in countries like South Africa and Australia. The seed is covered by a smooth and rather thin shell. Even to the harvest the 30-50 meters high trees are shook. After collecting, washing and selecting, the pecan nuts are dried. At cold temperatures the seeds can be stored for about 9 months. The kernels contain about 72 percent fat including a high proportion of valuable acids. Ingredients as calcium, magnesium and iron are contained as well. The consumption of pecan nuts promotes the cardiovascular system. They are recommended for people with diabetes or high blood pressure. Pecan nuts are a very popular snack, both raw and roasted. You can often find them in baked goods such as cookies or cake as well as in chocolate or pudding.


Almonds come originally from Near East and Central Asia. From there they came to the Mediterranean area, which is a great growing area today. With a good 50 percent the USA (California) is the World leading nation in production. Far behind are countries like Spain, Iran, Morocco, Italy, China and Tunisia. After the green drupe opened, you can see the kernel. Behind the hard shell you can find the seed, which is covered by a brown peel.

There are “sweet almonds” and “bitter almonds”.

As a rule, bitter almonds are delivered without shell. Exporting nations are countries like Morocco, Iran and Spain. The bitter almond contains the bitter substance amygdalin, which splits up in dextrose, bitter almond oil and toxic hydrocyanic acid, in combination with water and emulsin. Tip: the hydrocyanic acid volatilizes when cooking or baking. The unique taste of the bitter almond oil maintains.

Sweet almonds with shell are imported in small quantities from the USA, Spain and Portugal. In most cases, you can find them in nut mixtures. The top seller is almond kernels (peeled). These are imported in swarms from the USA and Spain to Germany. Almonds contain about 53 percent of fat and 34 percent of high-quality protein. Thus, they are one of the most high-fibre nuts. Furthermore, they contain vitamin B and E as well as magnesium. As a result, almonds can help to reduce the cholesterol level and ensure a healthy intestinal flora. You can keep almond kernels at cold temperatures up to one year.

Raw, roasted, salted, sugared. There are many ways to enjoy almonds. You can find them in baked good and confectionery such as marzipan and nougat, however, they are used to produce cosmetic products such as almond oil or soup as well.


The cashew grows below the fruit of the cashew tree. The cashew tree comes originally from the northeast of Brazil. The Spanish brought them to Central America. The Portuguese conquerors shipped them from East Africa across India to Southeast Asia in the 16th century. Today, cashews are cultivated in many tropical countries. Leading producers are countries like Vietnam, Nigeria, the Ivory Coast, the Philippines, Brazil or Tanzania. Main producers for Germany are India with 75 percent, followed by Vietnam and Brazil.

The cashew apple is formed by the pedicel of the cashew tree. The edible cashew apple tastes sweet-and-sour. Due to its bitter substances, however, the cashew apple is rather processed to juices, jelly or alcoholic drinks. The cashew kernel grows outside the cashew apple. This kernel is covered by a corrosive oily and hard shell. The shell is roasted in order to open it easier. In conclusion, the sweet aromatic kernels are dried and flayed. The cashew apple contains 5 times more vitamin C than an orange.

With 47 percent, cashews have a relatively low fat content. With 21 percent of protein and 22 percent of carbs, however, they are rich in important ingredients. With 550 kcal per 100 g, they have a relatively low calorie content, compared to other nuts. Cashews contain important minerals such as magnesium which promotes muscles and nerves, phosphor which strengthens bones and teeth, potassium which regulates the blood pressure or zinc which strengthens the immune system. Moreover, they contain B vitamins which supports the regeneration of the nervous system and the development of mucous membranes, hair, nails as well as the connective tissue. Furthermore, they support converting food into energy and strengthen the immune system. Cashews contain vitamin E which has an antioxidant effect as well as vitamin K which is important for blood clotting and bones. In addition, cashews contain a high proportion of the amino acid l-tryptophan which has a stimulating and calming effect. Thanks to the fibres, cashews are saturating. The fat of cashews consist of mono-unsaturated, poly-unsaturated and saturated fatty acids. The unsaturated fatty acids reduce the cholesterol level and protect the heart.

As all nuts, cashew kernels can become rancid. Packed cashews have a very long shelf life. Once opened, cashew kernels should be airtight sealed and cool stored. In the fridge, they are edible up to one month.

Cashews are a popular snack. However, they are also used for salads, rice, pasta, curry or pesto, but also for confectionary or baked goods such as cakes or marzipan. Most stores sell cashew milk, cashew mush or cashew butter. Cashew kernels can be eaten row, as spread or be used as side dish for muesli.


You can find the walnut from the Balkan area to China and Japan. The real walnut can only be found in Europe. In Germany, the walnut can mainly be found in wine-growing areas or on weekly markets. Leading producers are China, the USA, Iran and Turkey. Walnuts for Germany are mainly imported from the USA, France, Hungary, Chile and Italy. Other exporters are countries like Moldova, Ukraine or India. The best quality, however, is from France and Chile. The fruit is round, green and smooth with a fleshy shell. As soon as the fruit is ripe, the shell breaks open. Behind this shell is the nut, which is covered by a hard and woody shell. The shape of the nut depends on the type. As soon as they are are ripe, the nuts are shaken from the trees. On the most growing plantations harvest and workmanship are made by machines for one reason: the faster walnuts are dried, the better the quality maintains. Walnuts can have a shelf life of up to one year. They should be stored protected from light.

With 70 percent of fat, which consists mainly of linoleic acid, 16 percent of protein and 6 percent carbs, walnuts are rich in nutrients. Furthermore, they contain many important minerals and vitamins. The large amount of the omega-3 fatty acids folic acid and ellagic acid can even prevent the fissions of cancer cells. The omega-3 acids and potassium also reduce the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Moreover, they help forming the sleep hormone melatonin. Regular consumption of walnuts are said to protect from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The fat of the walnut is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and can reduce the cholesterol level. Thanks to the large amount of vitamin B6, the concentration and mental performance is improved. The zinc content strengthens the immune system. Due to the different minerals, bones and muscles are strengthened. As a result, arthritis, joint pains and fragile bones can be counteracted. The containing antioxidants of the vitamins ensure a soft skin. A hand full of walnuts every day is enough to benefit from the advantages. Despite the high calorie content of 714 kcal per 100 g, walnuts do not make fat at healthy amounts.

Walnuts are a perfect snack. They can be used for baked goods, especially for Christmas cookies. Walnuts are great in order to refine salads or pesto. They can be pressed to a high-quality aromatic vegetable oil, which is particularly used by gourmets in France. Alcoholic drinks like liquor can also be made of walnuts.

Pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin is originally from Central America and South America. It is said to be known for decades and is a basic food for native people. In the 16th century, the pumpkin came to Europe. Today, China, India, Russia, Ukraine and the USA are the leading producers. There are five cultivated pumpkin types. However, only three of them are found on the market: the vegetable marrow, the cucurbita moschata and the cucurbita maxima. Pumpkins are berries which grow on climbing plants. Thanks to its minerals and vitamins, the pulp has a dewatering and digestive effect. Types with orange pulp contain a lot of carotenoids. Carotenoids are secondary plant substances which strengthen our immune system and prevent diseases like cancer. The hull-less seeds of the pumpkin can be eaten row or roasted. They are very popular in the Arabic area from the beginning of time. However, the crispy seeds are also entrenched in Europa for a long time. With 30 g of protein per 100 g, pumpkin seeds are full of proteins. Moreover, they contain plenty of important ingredients. Green seeds, which are mostly used for pumpkin oil, are a popular remedy for bladder and prostate symptoms. They contain important fibres as well as secondary plant substances such as phytosterol or carotenoids. At regular consumption, pumpkin seeds can prevent benign prostate enlargement. Furthermore, the fertility of men are said to be improved. Pumpkin seeds contain plenty of vitamins and minerals such as magnesium or potassium. The amino acid tryptophan can also be found in pumpkin seeds. In our organism, the amino acid is converted to serotonin. Pumpkin seeds can free humans and animals from parasitic worms. Tapeworms, for example, can be excreted. Moreover, they are a remedy for hair loss. Three times a day a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds are said to improve the hair volume. However, pumpkin seeds have a large amount of carbs and fat. 100 g of them have 560 kcal.

Pumpkin seed oil is made of roasted pumpkin seeds. The price is high for a good reason: about 2.5 kilos of pumpkin seeds are needed for one litre oil. Pumpkin seed oil consists of 80 percent of unsaturated fatty acid. In particular linoleic acid, which belongs to the family of omega-6-acids, is very healthy as it can lower the risk of heart diseases or diabetes. Furthermore, the high amount of vitamin E with its antioxidant effect can slower the ageing process. Pumpkin seed oil has the same healthy ingredients as pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin seeds can be used in many ways. The can be found very often on top of bread rolls. They are also a great snack. Pumpkin seeds can be used for salads, soups or pasta as well. Furthermore, they are great in order to refine muesli or yogurt.

Sunflower seeds

Sunflowers are originally from North and Central America. Since their seeds are edible, they have been grown for thousands of years. In the 16th century the Spanish brought them to Europe. Today, sunflower seeds are mainly produced in China, Russia, Ukraine, Argentina, the USA, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania. They contain plenty of vitamin B, unsaturated folic acids, proteins and magnesium. Thus, bones and teeth are strengthened and the hemogram improved. Furthermore, cardiovascular diseases can be prevented. If you eat enough sunflower seeds, less carbs get to the metabolism. This helps to lose weight. Sunflower seeds contain a lot of protein: 100 g of sunflower seeds contain approximately as much protein as a steak. In particular, sunflower seeds are used to produce sunflower oil. Sunflower oil contains of linoleic acid, which has a positive effect on the cholesterol level of the blood.

Sesame seeds

Sesame is one of the oldest oil plants of the world. It was cultivated in South-East Asia for the first time. Is has been already cultivated 5,000 years before. Moreover, 4,000 years old finds were discovered in Iraq and Syria. These finds indicated that sesame spread in India in the course of the 2nd century. Furthermore, sesame was found in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutanchamun. Today, sesame is cultivated in all tropical and subtropical areas all over the world. The world leading producers are countries like Tanzania, India, Sudan, China and Myanmar.

There is black sesame and gold yellow sesame. Both taste a bit like nut. Black sesame is from the area around the Himalaya. The ingredients of the black sesame are even more valuable.

Sesame seeds have a fat content of 40 to 50 percent, which consists of 87 percent unsaturated fatty acids, which in turn consist of 50 percent of monounsaturated and 50 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are particularly full of the omega-6 fatty acid linoleic acid which affects the brain activity and fat digestion. Sesame is a high-quality source of protein. They contain essential amino acids, which stimulates the development of collagen. 50 percent of the body proteins consists of collagen. It is responsible for the stability of the bones and elasticity of the skin. Sesame is rich in minerals such as calcium or magnesium. As a result, it has a positive effect on bones, teeth and joints. In comparison with milk, sesame has six times more calcium. Thanks to its proportion of vitamin E and the secondary plant substance sesamine, sesame has an antioxidant effect so that the body can be exempt from free radicals and detoxified at the same time. Furthermore, sesame contains vitamin A and B which strengthen the immune system and boost the stimulate the metabolism. Sesame is rich in fibres which boost digestion.

The well-known sesame oil is made of sesame. This oil can be made of pressed roasted and unroasted sesame seeds. Unroasted sesame oil can be used for roasting, as all types of oil. Sesame oil made of unroasted sesame seeds is rather popular in Chinese kitchen. You can distinguish them by the colour. Oil made of roasted sesame seeds is darker.

Sesame goes well with bread, salad, dressings or sweets. Sesame can be used for refining muesli and porridge very well. Roasted, the lightly nutty taste becomes even more intensive. Since sesame mainly consists of unsaturated fatty acids, it should be stored cool, dark and in airtight containers.

Psyllium husks

Plantago ovata, which is known by many common names, is a medicinal plant which is mainly cultivated in India and Pakistan. From a certain distance, the seeds look like flea seeds. Besides the mentioned leading production countries, the plant is cultivated in North Africa and countries such as Spain, Afghanistan or parts of the USA.

The seeds of the plantago ovata, the so-called psyllium husks, are a widespread supplement. The shell consists of 87 percent of fibres. When eating them, the mucus substances get to the intestine, where they swell. In combination with the contained fatties, the digestion is boosted. As a result. psyllium husks are a remedy for blockages. However, it is important to drink enough water as the mucus substances swell up only with water. Psyllium husks ensure that the intestine picks up sugar slower. Thus, it gets to the blood slower as well. As a result, the blood sugar level is reduced. Even flatulence can be prevented by psyllium husks as they are binding gases. Furthermore, the excretion of psyllium husks reduce the high blood lipids. Moreover, psyllium husks are said to be a remedy for high blood pressure. Thanks to its saturating effect, psyllium husks can help to reduce the feeling of hunger. Consequently, psyllium husks can promote weight loss.

You can buy psyllium husks in powdered form as well. Especially the shells have a high digestive proportion of mucus substances. Crushed psyllium husk shells are more digestible for the intestinal mucosa. As a result, psyllium husks in powdered form are very suitable for an intestinal cleansing. Alternatively, psyllium husks can be crushed in a grain mill.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds are seeds of the Mexican chia. As the name suggests, the Mexican chia comes originally from Mexico and Central America. It belongs to the family of sage. The Mexican chia was already a basic food for the Mayas and Aztecs 5,000 years ago. In the 15th century, the Spanish brought chia to Europe. You can find chia in tropical and subtropical areas. Today, chia is not only cultivated in Mexico and Central America but in many countries of South America such as Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Argentina or Paraguay. In recent years, demand for chia have boomed, especially in the USA. In 2009, when the European Food Safety Authority allowed to use a small proportion of chia seeds for bread products, the hype gradually spread to Europe.

Chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They contain 18 percent of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid and come close to the linseed. Among other things, the fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect. Furthermore, they contain a good 50 percent more protein than grains. There are plenty of effective amino acids such as tryptophan which boots the level of serotonin. Moreover, chia contains important minerals. For example, the proportion of potassium is five times higher than in milk. Chia seeds contain large amounts of iron, zinc, calcium or magnesium. Moreover, chia has a fibre proportion of 34 percent. Thus, the intestinal flora is cared, the blood sugar and cholesterol level reduced, and the digestion boosted. Furthermore, chia seeds have a saturated effect, which can lead to a loss of weight. However, chia seeds cannot be completely digested. As a result, they are sometimes excreted undigested. If you want to be sure that you can benefit from the effect of chia, you should crush them before eating.

Thanks to the neutral taste, chia seeds are great for mixing or refining. They go well with muesli, porridge and pudding or yoghurt. However, you can find them in cookies, pancakes or salads as well. On the Internet you can find numerous recipes for chia seeds. Chia seeds became popular very fast.


Besides linseeds, fray and oil is mainly made of flax. This plant is used since the Stone Age and is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Linseeds and linseed oil have already been used in ancient Greek as remedy for many complaints. The ancient Egyptians used flax fibres to produce sheets in order to wrap their decedents. Line was the most important fibre until cotton and synthetics fibres replaced it in the 18th century. They are originally from the Mediterranean area and the Near East. It came to Central Europe 5,000 years ago. Today, it is cultivated all over the world. The leading producers of linseeds are Canada, China, the USA, India and Ethiopia.

There are important ingredients in linseeds or in the shells. There are many anti-inflammatory and immune boosting mucilage, which are a remedy for gastrointestinal complaints, inflammations and cough. As a rule, however, it works at the earliest after 2-3 days and only in combination with enough liquid as it could otherwise lead to blockages. Linseed consists of about 25 percent of fibres, 25 percent of protein and 30-45 percent of fat oil, which consists of more than 50 percent of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids can prevent forms of cancer. Additional amounts are said to shrink consisting tumours. Moreover, there are fibres in linseeds which can, in higher quantities, also reduce the risk of cancer. Proteins and vitamins, in particular B vitamins, can also be found in linseeds. Lignans, which belong to the family of secondary plant substances, is also contained. This substance can prevent cancer as well. However, linseeds should not be taken with other drugs as the extraction could be impaired.

Linseed oil is a vegetable oil which is made of linseeds. Linseed oil is said to have a positive effect on the bone structure. The bone destiny can be lowered, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Blood pressure and blood glucose level are said to be lowered as well. Of course, linseed oil has the same advantages as linseeds themselves. Thus, anyone can choose whether he prefers linseeds or linseed oil.

Linseeds can be crushed or soaked. Soaked in boiled water, they are great for breakfast. In particular gastritis can be relieved. However, they can also be used for baking bread. Crushed linseeds match perfectly for muesli or porridge. Moreover, they boost digestion. However, crushed linseeds have a shelf life of maximum one week. How prefers eating gruel, should soak the linseed before. This is said to be a remedy for gastritis.

Tiger nuts

Tiger nuts belong to the family of Cyprus. In particular, the tiger nut can be found in tropic and subtropical areas like East Africa and Brazil as well as in North America, Spain and East India. The tiger nut has already been cultivated in ancient Egypt. It grows underground. The root is the edible part of the tiger nut. It tastes like a mixture of almonds and peanuts. The pulp contains of 40 percent of carbs and is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, fibres and minerals. The tiger nuts promotes the digestion, protects from gastrointestinal illnesses und supplies the body with energy.


Fruit is not only a healthy addition for breakfast, but also a perfect snack. Nowhere are more vitamins included.

In addition, fruit is particularly rich in minerals, fruit acids, fibres, tannins and other secondary plant substances. For a healthy and balanced diet, fruit is indispensable.

Dried fruit

In particular well-known fruits such as raisins or apples have been basic foods for many centuries. Fruit have already been dried in former Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago. It was the aim to preserve fruit or bad times. In particular dates, which have been available in large quantities, were dried. The process became popular when people realized that fruit does not spoil in the sun but become sweeter and edible for a longer time. Later, dried fruit came across Greece to Italy. Besides dried figs and grapes, raisins were very popular in ancient Rome. Later, fruits like plums, apricots and peaches came from China across Greece to Europe.

Fruits can be dried in both ways, half-dried and full-dried. The residual strength is between 3 and 30 percent, depending on the degree of dryness. Due to this low residual strength, fruits are protected against germs and fungal attack. By drying fruits, the sugar level rises. As a result, they become a longer shelf life. Furthermore, they become sweeter due to their increasing aroma level. Ripe fruits are slowly dried at low temperatures. As a rule, this takes place with special dehydrating devices or by baking them. However, there are some other methods such as drying them on a loft, in the sun, or even freeze-drying. Good dried fruit is fleshy and has a soft surface. However, man-made druid fruit is often pesticide-treated in order to preserve the colour and as prevention against pests. Sulphur is part of nails and hairs. However, allergy suffers shouldn’t eat too much.

Dried fruit contains important vitamins, in particular B vitamins. Furthermore, there are plenty of minerals such as calcium or magnesium in it. Dried fruit contains fibres and secondary plant compounds as flavonoids and antioxidants. Dried fruit boosts the intestinal tract. As a result, it is a remedy for digestive disorders. By eating enough dried fruit, bones and teeth are straightened. Thus, osteoporosis can be prevented. Thanks to the potassium, the acid-base-balance is balanced. Moreover, dried fruit strengths the immune system, so that diseases can be prevented.

Dried fruit is great as a snack as well as a side dish. It is an important ingredient for fruit cake and for sweets. Dishes with meat or salads can be refined with dried fruits as well. In particular there is one great advantage for baking: fruit sugar can be used as alternative to sugar. In the region around Arabia dates with couscous are very popular. Dried fruit which is not softened and inlaid in alcohol is a delicacy. Often, dried fruit is fertilized with water steam after drying it, in order so make it softer.


Grapes have already been dried in ancient times. Today, countries like the USA (California), Turkey, Iran, South Africa and Australia are the leading nations in production of raisins. There are originally from Armenia, where grapes were buried in order to produce raisins. When raisins came from Middle East across Greece to Italy, they were immediately established as basic food. Later, they were given to successful athletes. “Raisins” is used as general meaning for dried grapes. Depending on grape variety and origin you differentiate between sultanas, currants, grapes and grape-raisins.

Sultanas are seedless, with a thin peel, gold-yellow to red-brown and very aromatic. As a rule, the ripe grapes are dipped in a potassium carbonate mixture in order to roughen the peel. In this way, the grapes become dry faster, a longer shelf life is ensured and moreover they keep their colour. Today, the majority of raisins is sold unbleached and without any preservatives. 95 percent of the imported raisins are sultanas. These are mainly supplied from Turkey, the USA, Iran, South Africa, Afghanistan and Argentina.

Currants are seedless, with a thin peel, with a dark-brown to black colour and a sweet-and-sour aromatic taste. During the process, they are not sulphurized. They are named after the Greek town Korinth. Greece is also leading producer of currants. Other suppliers are India, South Africa, Australia, and the USA.

Grapes are also seedless. As they get dryed in the sun they get their blue colour. During the process, they are not sulphurized. Main suppliers for grapes are the USA, Turkey, South Africa and Chile.

Grape-raisins have seeds and a fleshy consistency. Spain produces Malaga grape-raisins, which are made of muscadine grapes. They are known as speciality. However, Californian grape-raisins are sold without the seed.

Raisins have a fructose content of 64 percent. Thus, they are a good alternative to ordinary sugar. Moreover, raisins contain mineral and fibres as well as B vitamins. They are a good remedy for constipation and anaemia and supply the body with power.

Raisins are a popular sweet snack. They are often used for baked goods like raisin buns. However, they are used for salads as well. In Arabic countries they are added to couscous. Moreover, you can refine the most desserts with raisins. They are also consistent with cereals or porridge.


You can find the 7,000 years old date palm in the Persian Gulf. Its growing area is from Morocco to Pakistan. The date is also grown in countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria, Israel, Iran as well as in the United Arab Emirates. With 57 percent Germanys leading supplier is Tunisia. There are hundreds of different date types, but only exceedingly few are on the international market.

Dates are fleshy berries with a gold-yellow to dark-brown peel and a hard kernel. The pulp is soft, rather dry and very sweet. It consists of 65 percent of carbs. Moreover, dates are rich in essential ingredients such as fibres and minerals like potassium, calcium or magnesium and B vitamins like nicotinamide and pantothenic acid. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the heart and prevent diseases. Dates have a high proportion of the amino acid tryptophan. This substance is converted to the sleep hormone melatonin. Shortly said, dates are good against sleeping problems.

In any case, dates have to be stored cool. Dried dates can be kept for longer than fresh dates. However, you have to watch out for mites. While organic dates are ripened in the sun, other dates are dried with hot air. Dates are often covered with glycose syrup.

You can enjoy dates in many ways. You can add them to your muesli, quark or fruit salad. In addition, you can fill them with nougat, marzipan or cheese. They are proceeded to liquor or syrup as well.


Apricots are originally from the North of China. However, historical finds were found in Armenia and India as well. According to fids, apricots have already been cultivated 4,000 ago. It is claimed that Alexander the Great brought the drupe to the Mediterranean area about 300 b. c. The Romans spread them all over Europe. The Spanish shipped them to America later on. Today, apricots are cultivated in dry and warm climate zones all over world. Wild plants grow from Turkmenistan to Japan. In particular in the Mediterranean area apricots are cultivated. Today, the world largest growing area is in Turkey. Further large growing areas are countries like Uzbekistan, Iran, Italy, France or Spain. Apricot season starts in May with fruits from Spain. Main season is in July and August with the main suppliers France, Greece, Spain, Hungary and Turkey. The season ends in the middle of September. However, from the end of November to March of the following year, further deliveries come from oversea countries such as South Africa, New Zeeland or Chile.

Depending on the type, apricots can be between 4 and 8 cm. Their shape is round to oval with a seam between blossom and stalk. The peel feels velvety to smooth and has a light-yellow to orange-yellow colour. The juicy pulp of the apricot can be white, yellow or orange. It tastes sweet-and-sour and aromatic.

With 8.9 g of sugar per 100 g, the apricot has less sugar than most other fruits. Among all drupes, the apricot has the highest amount of potassium, iron and vitamin A which strengthens the eyesight and keeps the skin healthy. Moreover, it contains numerous B vitamins. The containing substances are very important for the energy metabolism, teeth and bones as well as the immune system.

Apricots can be eaten fresh or used for cakes. Often, apricots are processed to compote, jam or liquor. In Arabic countries they are served to meat. In Germany, dried apricots become more and more popular. Dried fruit comes mainly from the East-Turkish province Malatya.

Apricots are not edible very long. They should be eaten within few days. In the fridge, apricots can remain fresh for a half week.


The European plum is a hybrid of the blackthorn, which grows from Central Europe to Siberia, and the cherry plum, a drupe which grows from the southwest of Siberia to the Balkans. It is probably made in the region between the Caucasus and the Altay Mountains in Siberia. Across Syria the plum came to Greece and from there to the Romans. From there, it came to Germany and France. Today, plums are worldwide cultivated. The leading producer is China, followed a good way behind by Rumania, Serbia, the USA, Turkey and France. In Germany, 85-90 percent of the plums are from orchards. German harvest comes especially from Baden-Wuerttemberg, followed by Rhineland-Palatinate, Lower Saxony and Bavaria. However, plums are imported the whole year. Main suppliers in summer are Italy, Spain and Hungary. In winter we receive our plums from South Africa, Chile or Argentina.

Plum is mostly used as umbrella term for numerous different types. They all have a different shape, taste, colour or juice content. Thus, plums were divided into different groups.

Real plums are round or oval shaped with a continuous seam. The colour is rather crimson. The pulp is green-yellow to gold-yellow, tastes sweet und has a juicy and soft consistency. Real plums have a round pit which is relatively hard to detach from the pulp.

The Chinese plum or Japanese plum is, as the name suggests, from the North of China and Japan. Today, besides China and Japan, this plum is cultivated in Korea and many warm countries such as in parts of the USA or Australia. They are mainly eaten fresh as the pulp lapses when cooking.

Damsons and plums are often confused. Damsons are a bit smaller and have an elongate and oval shape with a sharp end. Unlike other plums, the seam is very subtle. The pit is elongated and sharpened on both ends. Damsons are blue-purple with yellow-green pulp which is juicy and tastes sweet-and-aromatic. Since they maintain their shape when baking, damsons are suitable for trade. Thanks to their rather low proportion of water and high fruit sugar content, damsons are mostly used for the production of dried plumps.

Greengages are medium size to big with a round shape. They can be yellow-green to violet. The pulp is yellow or green, solid, and hard to detach from the pit. Greengages have a very aromatic taste. They are mostly used for compote as they go bad very fast.

Mirabelles are small and round. They are yellow or orange-yellow and have often red spots on the sunny side. The pulp is yellow-green to orange-yellow and tastes very sweet. The pit is easy to detach. Mirabelles are usually eaten raw or processed to compote. Mirabelles have the highest sugar content among all European plums, whereas greengages contain the most fibres.

Cherry plums grow, as mentioned before, from southwest Siberia to the Balkans. They are small and round and have a red or yellow colour. The pulp is yellow, very juicy and has a sweet-and-sour taste. The pit is hard to detach from the pulp. In May and June, the unripe cherry plums are imported from Turkey. They can be eaten fresh with salt as well as pickled. Cherry plums can be processed to jam or alcoholic drinks such as liquor.

Thanks to the plant fibres cellulose and pectin, plums are known for their digestive effect. Plums are a natural laxative and purify the intestine. They consist of 80 percent of water and have hardly calories or fat. Moreover, they bind superfluous intestine fats, what can support losing weight. Plums are rich in provitamins such as vitamin B which strengthens the nerves, reduces stress and promotes concentration, vitamin A which strengthens the eyesight, vitamin C which protects the immune system or vitamin K which plays a role in blood clotting. Furthermore, plums contain important minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, iron or zinc. There are numerous secondary plant substances as anthocyanins which give plums their blue or blue violet colour. The contained secondary plant substances prevent that cancer cells can grow and can even kill them. Moreover, they are said to prevent cardiovascular diseases and reduce the blood pressure and the cholesterol level.

Dried plums are healthy as well. They are well-known for their positive effect on the intestinal flora. They promote health of the intestine protecting bacteria, which reduce the risk of colon cancer. Moreover, regular consumption is said to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Dried plums have a saturating effect. They have about 4 times more calories then fresh plums, however, they consist of 10 percent of fibres.

Plums are mainly eaten fresh or dried. Often, however, they are used for plum cake or dumplings. Boiled, they can be processed to compote or mush. However, they are often used for processing alcoholic drinks such as schnapps, wine or liquor.

You should pay attention to their bluish colour when buying them. Moreover, they should be solid. By putting a finger on a plum, you can test their ripe. If they soften, they are ripe. Furthermore, you can recognize plums by their protective film, which protects from desiccation. The smell of plums plays also a role. Plums have a shelf life of 1 to 1 ½ weeks if they are in the fridge.


They fig tree comes from Asia Minor and is one of the oldest cultivated plants. They were already cultivated 3,000 b. c. by the ancient Assyrians, who lived in Mesopotamia. Already in ancient times figs spread over the entire Mediterranean area. Today, the leading producers of the fig are Turkey, followed by Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Morocco, Syria, the USA and further countries.

Figs are drupes which grow on a 10 m high tree. In Germany, the tree reaches a maximum high of 6 m. Fig trees bear their fruits three times a year. Figs are roundish to pear-shaped, 3-10 cm long, 4-7 cm wide and have usually a dark-violet colour. The inner of the fruit consist of a receptacle, which bears many fruits which form the pulp. The pulp has a reddish colour. It is soft and juicy with an aromatically sweet taste. If figs are not picked by hand or machine, they are dried on the tree until they are ripe and fall down by themselves. In conclusion, they are dried in the sun or an oven, so that the water content sinks to 18-33 percent, however, their sugar content increases to a good 60 percent. Thus, they become even more sweeter. There are organic and pesticide-treated figs. Organic figs are cleaned with water after the drying process and dried again in conclusion. On their surface white crystals develop due to the sugar. Treated figs are soaked with hot salt water or by steam before they are getting pressed into shape and get dried again. Treated figs have a shiny and smooth surface. Shape, peel and taste are characteristics in order to measure the quality. Big figs with smooth peel and soft pulp have a high quality. Main season is from September to November. With 95 percent, Turkey is our main supplier, followed by a good way behind by Greece and Iran. Usually, dried figs are pesticide-treated. They are treated with gas, shock-frozen and checked with UV light on mould infestation.

Dried figs consist of 55 percent of carbs, whereas fresh figs consist of only 13 g of carbs. Furthermore, they contain secondary plant substances, numerous fibres, glucose and fructose, minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc or selenium. Besides the parsley, the fig is the food with the highest proportion of potassium. However, figs contain vitamin A, B and C as well. Due to the numerous B vitamins, figs especially promote the nervous system. Due to the glucose and fructose the concentration is improved. The high proportion of potassium in conjunction with calcium has a positive effect on bones and teeth and can even prevent osteoporosis. They have a low calorific value and promote the digestion due to the fibres. Although fresh figs have only 63 kcal per 100g, dried figs have 247 kcal per 100 g! No matter if fresh or dried, figs have one of the highest basic values of all foods.

Pay attention when buying figs that they are soft but not mushy. As with plums, you can test the ripe by softly pressing your finger on a fig. If they slightly soften, they are ripe. Figs should be eaten as soon as possible as they are not edible for a long time. In the fridge, they have a shelf life of about 2 days. Cool and dry stored dried figs, however, have a shelf life of several month.

Figs can be used in many ways. Usually the are eaten raw or dried. They go well with salads, meat or oriental dishes such as couscous. Figs can be processed to jam, vinegar or chutney very well. Figs can be used for both, sweet and savoury dishes. Muesli goes with figs very well, too.


Bananas are originally from South-East Asia. They have been already cultivated 2,500 b. c. From their place of origin Arab traders brought them to Africa. In the 15th and 16th century, the Portuguese and the Spanish shipped them to South and Central America. Bananas came to Europe only in the 19th century. Today they are cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries above and below the equator. Since the 20th century, Bananas are on of the most popular type of fruit in Germany. There are dessert bananas, which can be eaten raw and not fully ripened, and plantains which are only fully ripened edible. Plantains have a very brownish black peel. They do not taste sweet as the starch is not transformed into sugar. Plantains are usually cooked. However, they are often deep-fried, steamed or baked as well. Plantains are sold all over the year, however, they are only 0.1 percent of the Banana imports. They are mainly produced in Africa, where they are a basic food in many countries. Leading producers are countries like Cameron, Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria or the Ivory Coast. However, they are cultivated in large quantities in South and Central America and South-East Asia as well. Main producers for dessert bananas in Asia are countries like India, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand. Major producers in Central and South America are countries like Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica. Despite the delivery quantity of dessert bananas varies, the supply is very high all over the year. There are more then 1,000 different types of bananas, however, only a few of the commercially used bananas come to our stores. Dessert bananas are divided into 4 different major types: dessert bananas, red bananas, baby bananas and apple bananas.

Dessert bananas are most common in Germany. The peel is brightly yellow with maybe some brown points. The brown points characterize the ripe. Completely yellow bananas are usually heavily threatened. Of course, you should pay attention to the organic or fair-trade label. Our bananas were growing for the European market and do not taste like other types.

Red bananas become more and more popular in Europe. As the name suggests, their peel is red. Another characteristic is a considerably smaller and a slightly thicker shape. Red bananas are juicier, sweeter and more aromatic than the European dessert banana.

Baby bananas are, as the name suggests, very small. They have a thin yellow peel. Today, the are available in most stores. Baby bananas taste very sweet and intensive.

Apple bananas are very popular in the Tropics. With a length of 8-12 years, apple bananas are small than conventional bananas. Their peel is rather gold yellow. The pulp is sourly sweet.

The banana is a berry with a width of 2-5 cm, which grows on a 2-9 m high shrub. The shrub consists not of wood but of old leaves. The fruits, which are made of female blossoms, grow spirally around the inflorescence axis. Most bananas are curved as the fruit grows in direction of the sun. There are straight types as well. It needs about 3 months until the fruit is fully developed. One inflorescence bears up to 300 bananas. Bananas are always harvested when they are green and then post-ripened. Bananas are exported in refrigerated vessels at a temperature of 13.2 °C. Arrived at the port of destination, they are post-ripened in ripening chambers by ethene, a natural odourless gas. The starch of the bananas is converted to sugar and the aromas unfold.

Dessert bananas are rich in carbs and have hardly fat. 100 g of bananas have about 90 kcal. Besides the high proportion of minerals and trace elements as potassium, iron or zinc, bananas contain vitamin A, E and C as well as numerous B vitamins. Thanks to the mixture of potassium and vitamins, bananas are good for muscles and nerves. Bananas contain 2 g of fibres and are easily digestible. They are a remedy for digestive disorders and diarrhoea. Moreover, bananas regulate the cholesterol level. Bananas contain antioxidants which strengthens the immune system und are said to be able to reduce the risk of cancer. The sugar content of the banana depends on its level of ripeness. Unripe bananas are the opposite. The starch is converted to sugar. Furthermore, bananas are healthy mood-lifters.

Conventional cultivated bananas are usually pesticide-threated. Thus, you should pay attention to the organic label. Bananas have a longer shelf life if they are hang-up. The perfect temperature for storing bananas is between 12 und 14 °C.

Desserts bananas can be used in many ways. Usually they are eaten fresh as a snack. They are processed to smoothies, ice cream, milkshakes or juice. Flambéed or backed bananas are a popular dessert. How loves baking, can make banana bread or banana cake. Dried bananas, which are also known as banana chips, have an aromatic taste and are very popular as well. Plantains are often ground in order to process them to bakery goods or chips. They can be mashed to porridge as well. Plantains are often used as alternative to potatoes. Thus, similar dishes can be prepared. In Africa, plantains are processed to fries. The taste is very similar.


Seaweeds are the oldest life form of the world. In East and South-East Asia seaweeds are an important natural remedy for thousands of years. Popular and edible types of seaweed are wakame, nori and hijiki. Seaweeds are rich in minerals like magnesium, potassium or zinc and contains vitamin A, B12, C and E. Furthermore, they have a high proportion of the trace element iodine, which reduces the cholesterol level. Seaweeds are well-known for antibacterial effect. They contain hardly fat and their calorie content is very low. Moreover, seaweeds have a high content of protein and fibres. They can promote weight loss, detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system. Spirulina is known as super food. It has a very high protein content. Furthermore, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and is said to reduce the blood sugar level. Spirulina contains the amino acid l-tryptophan which is a remedy for insomnia and depression. Usually, spirulina is sold as powder or in capsules. Another healthy type is chlorella. It has the largest amount of chlorophyll of all plants. Thanks to this substance, plants get their green colour. It ensures us a healthy blood formation. Moreover, it boots the metabolism and promotes healing processes. Chlorella has a detoxifying effect and contains water-soluble vitamins, minerals and trace elements as well. In general, seaweeds have a long shelf life. They should be stored cool and dry. Nori is probably the most common type as it is used for sushi. Seaweeds go well with fish dishes, omelettes or salads.

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